LETTERS from James & Orpha: contents mad in pursuit home
Their letters cross... Orpha is feeling the Santa Ana
wind in her soul.
Postmarked Friday 7.23.26, from Orpha in Glens Falls NY
It is more unbearable this wanting you for the heat has made me ill and listless the pain has grown and does not abate, as the heat did a trifle this afternoon. Tell me of our Castle that shall be. You are in my dreams and thoughts always and the dim changing vision of what you are building for us. Tell me of our Castle that shall be. Nothing has happened here only the same sordid, somber dullness and frequent irritable breaks into it all increased by the things that you have touched and are not touching now. Perhaps tomorrow I shall go to a Lake to wait on tables for two or three weeks, for a little money. I am not certain yet. If only I could breathe well, and the pain would subside. Since I have not had a word from you even today Thursday I know you must have exerted yourself, that you are fatigued Rest and when you find it in your heart, and your weariness is gone please, oh please, a tiny word to me, James, James.
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