LETTERS from James & Orpha: contents mad in pursuit home
Postmarked Wednesday, 8.25.26, from Orpha in Glens Falls NY Wednesday The invitations, which were delayed in coming to us from Schenectady,
are off tonight. We noticed that in your list, you did not include Edwin
Dooley’s name. If he’s to be your attendant, he had better be sent one.
If he’s not to be you may do as you like about sending it and enclosing
the reception card. We haven’t his address, of course, so we’re sending
it to you for you to direct, since it should be sent immediately. The things without names will be so, must be so – I am beginning to understand asceticism, separation from everything – hardness, coldness. That is all – not now – we must not talk, scarcely breathe. Wait, James, James. Orpha |
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