Saturday, 6.10.06: Week In Review
I can't believe it's Saturday already.
Doll-up. Haircut
-- back to some blond highlights. New glasses -- retro stylish (except they
fall off when I exercise). But, uh, I think age is beginning to take
its toll.
Facilitation contract. Week #3 with my community agency. I spent a couple hours synthesizing our discussions last Saturday and it paid off with a very productive session on Wednesday. And everyone appreciated being able to end the meeting early.
Wine & Whine. Old friend came over Thursday P.M. for a little grousing about work. I was happy to play the wise counselor and even happier to be gone from the Institution.
Radio ambitions. I put in some solid time on a new production. I also had a phone consultation with an indie radio producer who has a gig helping other indies get to National Public Radio. He was very nice — and clearly very production oriented, tuned into the ways public radio works. Want tell a personal story? Do it in 2-1/2 minutes.
It leads me, I think, to the old multi-pronged approach -- bits that will sell and longer, artsier stories for my own satisfaction or limited audience.
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