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Saturday, 11.25.06: Week In Review

A quiet week on Planet Susan.

Ebay. Got some store items listed and some auctions going. One of our small Darwin photographs sold for $180 on Nov 12 — and the customer hasn't paid yet. Grrrr...

Click, then click magnifying cursor to see full sizeDrawing. Spent days inking in my "Maddie Malone" cartoon. Don't know where I'm going with this format, but doing it is mesmerizing. I reduced it in size from my original pencil drawing, so the parts were really, really tiny. I discovered that I can actually see better with my glasses OFF at a distance of about 8 inches from the page. What's up with that? I haven't seen anything better without glasses since the second grade.

Thanksgiving. Took a drive along the lake on this gorgeous sunny day. Then just the two of us for a quiet dinner — turkey breast, pre-made dressing, mashed potatoes and peas, gravy. Jim took on the role of majordomo, working out the timing of when each item had to go in or out of the oven, on or off the stovetop. I rearranged some books in the bedroom — dust hazard!

Friday. Considered an invitation to stand in line for hours outside Best Buy for the Black Friday buy-a-thon. What was I thinking? The company would have been fun, even at 2 AM, but traffic-and-crowd shopper I'm not. Celebrated the kickoff to the holiday season with a biennial oven cleaning (prompted by a couple T'Day basting incidents). Now I'm ready to bake cookies.

Took some "before" photos of our living room. Work won't start for a week or two, but who knows when the sun will shine again.

living room

living room

living room

This little corner is sort of done:

living room

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