Week In Review
It was a week for settling back into our nest and getting back to business.
Sunday-Monday. A thankfully uneventful drive from St. Louis back to Rochester, and picking up Hermanita from her stay with the vet.
Obligations checked off: Scheduled eye (routine) and car (muffler) appointments. Changed furnace filter. Splash of bleach in the sump pump. Laundry. Groceries and soup-making. Re-opened ebay store and made 3 sales. Back to 20-min meditations and walking, though Wednesday was SO snowy it was great to snuggle in. Upgraded Jim's phone to a Family Talk plan. Got birdseed for the outdoor feeders. Exchanged a Christmas present. Got my annual report done.
Got Second Edition of "Passion & Peril" done and submitted (correcting a couple technical issues). The paperback won't be available for another week or so, till they send me a proof copy.
Social. One last holiday celebration with Jim's daughter and her family. Trying build up a little network of pals on Facebook. It isn't good for much except posting "heys" and photos among a circle of friends, but nice to get those greetings on long, cold winter days. Nice way to make contact with people who wouldn't e-mail. I need a "Facebook for Dummies" because there's a lot I don't get and it has one of those "talk among yourselves" help functions.
New Projects. Not sure what January will bring. Started drawing. Need to find a good story to tell.