mad in pursuit notebook


Baby Zuzu: Testing

I should just rip up this right up, it's so poorly executed. But... no more ripping up.

zuzu evil eye

Goals. (1) Start another Zuzu & Zim series. (2) Try a sequence -- a 4-panel strip. (3) Suggest what the Evil Eye is without my usual long-windedness. (4) Improve my craft -- try classic black inking.

The strip came out okay, for a first attempt -- a little story in 4 beats. But the inking is a disaster. I even got my "Guide to Inking Comics" book out and tried to follow all the "correct" procedures. I had all my technical pens out, my india ink. Nothing worked right... wound up using my good old Sharpie. Violated all the rules of good inking -- and not in a good way. It screams "amateur!" not "iconoclast!"

Back to the drawing board.

Thursday. I retraced the strip above and used markers and pens. Got my thinnest Rapidograph pens cleaned, but I see now that the letters are too thin for this reduced size. And my Prismacolor markers smear my India ink lines... what???

zuzu evil eye 2

I like playing with colors, even if it simply distracts the viewer from the poor drawing.

Better rearranged. Oh, no, a misspelling in last panel... kludged in a correction.

zuzu evil eye 3

1.7.2009, revised 1.8.09

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