Mad in Pursuit Notebook

Working on Your Backup Brain?

old 3-ring binders

Can we transfer the lessons of youth to old age?

Dear Stella,

I'm anxious to hear what you're working on, out in the real world!

Hey, when was the last time you kept a three-ring binder for notes, with tabbed sections?

I was an adult. Learning video and sound editing. No clue what I was doing, so I had to keep a log of every step. The logs found their way into an old binder, which soon got tabbed dividers. What a fun learning phase.

Now. Not so much learning, but a constant campaign against forgetting. Even in retirement here on the icy north coast, I have to keep track of home improvements, valuables, family history research, equipment troubleshooting. It never ends.

So I keep notes. Digitally, of course, in stolid old Microsoft OneNote. Its pages and tabs are perfect for the three-ring binder crowd. I love it because I can create links to other files on my hard-drive—spreadsheets, documents, photos, etc.* as well as links to online resources. (I hate losing files in the vast outback of my hard drive. Links in OneNote help a lot.)

Little did I know that these note collections are called Personal Knowledge Management systems. Tiago Forte popularized PKMs in his 2022 book Building a Second Brain. His message: writing things down helps you get things done. In my case, it helps me remember things I swore I'd never forget!

Now, here's a twist. OneNote is great for capturing info that's linear and hierarchical. But I have a couple of writing projects in mind that are currently just a big stew of notes, images, and research. I'm trying out new tools to help make interesting connections AND to help me remember what I read. More on that next letter.

Write soon, xoxo Susan
2 Feb 2025

*For amazingly fast 1- and 2-sided scanning, go get a Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1600. It'll clean up your desk fast!

Books from Mad in Pursuit and Susan Barrett Price: KITTY'S PEOPLE: the Irish Family Saga about the Rise of a Generous Woman (2022)| HEADLONG: Over the Edge in Pakistan and China (2018) | THE SUDDEN SILENCE: A Tale of Suspense and Found Treasure (2015) | TRIBE OF THE BREAKAWAY BEADS: Book of Exits and Fresh Starts (2011) | PASSION AND PERIL ON THE SILK ROAD: A Thriller in Pakistan and China (2008). Available at Amazon.