13 Oct. 2021.[Continued from 4 Oct 2021]
My newly costumed santo doll needed a crown. All the best saints have them. And not just any old tiara. A santo crown must have stars. I wanted something worthy--between glued cardboard and fine metalcraft. This led me to pull out my polymer clay kit. Long story short, what I had in mind was not the "birthday cake" that resulted (see small photo). Well, she is supposed to be a wraith and she is wearing ragged cloth (also due to my disastrous incompetence). So, it's okay for the crown to look beat up too, right?
I painted up the crown, gluing and regluing the stars that kept coming off. Then of course, it fell off her head, setting more stars awry. I should really sand down the inner edge so that it fits more firmly on her head...
Nevermind. "The best way out is always through."
I don't know who will wind up visiting us during this season of growing darkness, so I brushed up on my "fine art" photography, posed Santo against a black velvet stage, snapped a few shots, and went to work in Photoshop. The result below is pretty good, I think. Wine poured.
HEADLONG: Over the Edge in Pakistan and China (2018) Traveler's tale of a 1992 adventure. A poorly planned roadtrip takes long-time lovers Susan and Jim to forbidden places and lost times. Kindle.
THE SUDDEN SILENCE: A Tale of Suspense and Found Treasure (2015) Thailand: lovers of ancient treasure tangle with international black markets. Delia Rivera pulls Martin Moon back into the game and their quest turns deadly. In paperback and Kindle editions.
TRIBE OF THE BREAKAWAY BEADS: Book of Exits and Fresh Starts (2011) Time after time, Mary asks herself: Do I go or do I stay? She finds her power in her ancestors: Smart women turn discontent into action. An illustrated memoir in paperback and Kindle editions.
PASSION AND PERIL ON THE SILK ROAD: A Thriller in Pakistan and China (2008) The twin forces of revenge and redemption drive Nellie MacKenzie and Taylor Jackson on a crazed adventure into the heart of Central Asia. They grapple with issues of ethics, trust, rage, and bitter heartbreak -- as well as the intrigue of the international antiquities trade. In paperback and Kindle editions.
All pages in this website by Susan Barrett Price are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. [The snowstorm image at the top of this page came from Wikipedia, under a Creative Commons license.]