mad in pursuit: letters from james & orpha, summer of '26

LETTERS from James & Orpha: contents

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Orpha wrote on the envelope, “And this – still more precious.” I understand...

Postmarked Wednesday 7.28.26, from James in Lynbrook NY

Thoughts – thoughts – thoughts – all of you – broken into at any point –

Of you that are everything – all that Woman shall ever mean to me – mystery and reality, body and soul, reason for living, all the beauty I know.

All life will mean to me is working with you for whatever things seem good to us; all life means to me now is wanting you – wanting to think out problems with you – learn things with you – to tell each other of beautiful things – to live what we have found together – the singing loveliness of being together and together and together – the great harmony of oneness we feel as minds know one thought, spirits one beauty, bodies one feeling –

all life means to me now is wanting you

Orpha that I love with all of me – I am living only to be with you – to seek with starved lips your lips – to find them, and find and find and find again – finally to yield with you to the flame – the soft glow that grows and spreads as our mouths and breaths mingle – yielding to the love that binds us together with invisible thongs of beauty – thongs twisting us closer and closer – until in the flame we are welded into one – arching crescents that touch at last – red lips joined, loins forever locked.






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