mad in pursuit: letters from james & orpha, summer of '26

LETTERS from James & Orpha: contents

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Orpha is in a calmer mood...

Postmarked Wednesday 7.28.26, from Orpha in Glens Falls NY

Tuesday evening

My days are increasingly busy as they pass along, too. Aside from the regular housework, I am trying new recipes, doing most of the laundry to save what seems an unnecessary expense, doing all my sewing, and preparing for the fall in a small way. Today I have been canning currants into jelly. Tomorrow I shall “do” the twelve quarts of cherries we bought today.

My days are increasingly busy as they pass along, too.

This afternoon for a stolen hour I played two sets of tennis with Agnes Wiley, a rather nice girl – the sort you’d appreciate. Agnes won the first set, and I, mirabile dictu, the second.

Tonight Mom and I called on the Ahrendtsens, where Fran is still fast becoming a competent housekeeper. I am worn out, but not nervously so. If your weariness is only of the bodily sort, I shall not worry, if you get rest enough to offset it. Are you weary, and have you the fears, mentally, for me, that you had the first weeks this summer? Tell me your condition, psychologically, now.

You need have no fear of my health. It has been tested – I was not so exhausted as before after the two sets of tennis. Coffee, I’ve developed a hearty dislike for, and, truly, I’ve had no arsenic for ever so long. Aspirin is long since an unknown with me.

As soon as Mom is off the case we’re soliciting medical advice on the spot – another of your fears dispelled.

Remember – I don’t want you to force letters. You misunderstood my asking for one a day. Wasn’t the last one rather voluntary?

There are other things within me for you – I need not, can not say them now – you know all –




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