Week In Review
1.17.09 Quiet meditative week
Started my 40-minutes for 40 days regime. Don't know if it will propel me into higher consciousness, but it's an interesting change of pace: up a little earlier, grab my cup of coffee and head for my ground floor "zendo." Set the timer for 40 minutes. I do my meditation for as long as I can sustain it, then switch to jotting things in my journal. It's only been 3 days.
Cold in my head. Arctic outside. So after my first 40 minutes I planted myself downstairs and decided to draw my meditation sitting area... drawing practice, extending meditative time. Listening to moody music.
Drawing what is in front of me when I meditate turned out to be quite complex. You're supposed to meditate in front of a blank wall (if you're really Zen), but there are no blank walls here. So, my eyes are filled with a global medley of stuff. Here's what the drawing looks like so far after 3 days of looking.
Actually I could probably devote all 40 days to researching the origins and significance of each item in this one small space. Just studying the patterns in the rugs and on the wooden stools is an education.
Somehow the acts of penetrating deep into the heart of the universe justified buying more art markers from Dick Blick. (They were on sale!)
Projects. Gussied up about 10 photos for Joanne to use in her publicity. Got a few more things up on Ebay.
Car exhaust system repair. Painful to spend so much on an 8-yr-old car. Better than buying a new one, I guess.
Eye exam. Eyes good. No need for new glasses.
Social. Tonight we're headed for a reunion of the Genesee Valley Scuba Diving Club -- buddies from the old scuba diving days of the 1980s.
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