Week In Review
2.21.09 It was winter break in the local schools, so I used it as an excuse not to go to yoga (classes too crowded with teachers in need of serenity). So I was nose to the grindstone all week with paperwork -- taxes and collectible organizing.
Actually I haven't been writing much here because I feel pretty boring. I'd like to have some great philosophical insights as I go along, but mostly I just mutter to myself about why my computer won't magically do what I want it to.
While people are losing their jobs, worrying about their children's educations, and fending off home foreclosure, I am counting my beads. This week:
Updated master lists for two sets of antiquarian & rare books we're trying to sell. Hunted down receipts for what we paid. (Word files -- leave well-enough alone.)
Finished (again) African artifact database and photo files. Got a nice looking report from Access, but can't link photos. Challenge. Did a web gallery from Adobe Bridge -- tore my hair out trying to get the "metadata" to be what I wanted, but the technicalities are beyond me. Grrr...
Did another round of research (detective work -- makes and models) on a collection of old stereographic equipment and optical toys. Excel spreadsheet this time. Did a data merge with Adobe InDesign and was thrilled to get my longed-for "catalog" -- descriptions and photos combined. Yay!
Working on doing the same kind of InDesign catalog for the African stuff. Exporting from Access to Excel -- damn, had to upgrade to Office 2007. Putting in photo references for 200 objects -- much swearing, since it required tediously renaming about 50 files.
Purchased a fireproof file box for all these lists and catalogs.
I guess it was a productive week. But too much fiddling, too little flow. There are at least 8 other major areas that need "cataloging" and long-range sales strategies. So I guess this is my job.
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