Week In Review
2.28.09 "Getting organized" is my all-purpose code word, either for getting "unstuck" or for procrastinating. So this was kind of a "getting organized" week. The weather warmed up enough to go walking but I finished my 40 mornings of 40-minute quiet times and didn't replace it with anything.
Started cataloging Jim's antique gun collection. It's really slow work, recording info from all his receipts. We need to sell off a few, but want to wait till the economy gets better and more people are spending dough on their hobbies again. We're going to an antique gun show near Buffalo today to check things out and continue my education.
Also slogging away at listing 8x10 glossies of Hollywood stars on Ebay. Ebay is also slow.
Visited with our financial advisor who talked me back from the edge. Our investments may look bad, but the shares are still producing dividends that get reinvested (buying more stocks at bargain prices), so the situation is not great but not horrible either. We all just have to get our optimism back and get the government working for The People once more.
Finished another Zuzu & Zim. Trying to capture thoughts about miracles and magic. Trying to advance my skills.
Trying to become a little more active in relevant social networks: our local newspaper, a couple of art/photo groups, an antiquing group, etc.
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