mad in pursuit notebook


Week In Review

4.18.09 Final countdown before we hit the road on Sunday.


Plugging away at the video part for my "Kathleen's Machine" project.

Started a family history group on Facebook called "The Dunnes of Ballaghduff." Seems like there should be a space for the cousins to touch base. Michael and Catherine Dunne had 129 great-grandchildren (my generation -- my first and second cousins, Boomers and Xers). Insterestingly, there are no more "Dunnes" being born to this family, because the one Dunne grandson to have children had 6 girls.

I got an ego buzz when I learned that one of my radio pieces had been chosen for inclusion in an iTunes album. Caused a flurry of webpage updating, etc. Downloaded the whole album, listened to it on my walk (did you ever take notes & walk at the same time?) and wrote a review to help sales. My take on the sales: 70% of PRX's 5% of every 99-cent download. Ha-ha! Radio's a tough business.

Decided I needed to be more systematic about learning "sound art" (lack of confidence about my "Kathleen's Machine" mix. Got engaged in a conversation with a far-out sound artist and philosopher at Transom.Org. He was very encouraging and gave me a lot of resources to follow up on.

Spent a day trying to catch up on my marketing for "Passion & Peril." Trying to follow all the right "indie" advice to make use of social networking, etc.

Out with the girls (my "scuba ladies" friends) Monday night, for dinner and laughs.

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