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Keville-Flanagan Autograph Book
The Flanagans didn't leave behind a lot of documents, so we particularly treasure the autograph book that survives. The padded velvet cover is half rotted away and the pages are loosened, browned and chipped, but the handwriting and the messages of love are loud and clear.
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Both Maggie Keville and her brother Pat put their names and addresses on the inside cover. But then Maggie took clear possession. When she got married to Moses Flanagan (6 Jan 1888), he entered love verses in the days and months to follow. Others entered their good wishes. I think it was one of those mementos that a newlywed tucks away, only to be discovered later by her children -- in this case, Maggie's eldest daughters Nellie and Catherine. From 1899 to 1903, the girls were given a yearly opportunity to enter their verses. (There are a couple of entries by "Ethel" but she was only a baby at the time. They are in Catherine's hand.) After Maggie died (23 June 1903), the girls made entries that lamented their loss. The book may have then been in Nellie's possession because there are a couple undated entries from a lovesick suitor. Then it went to Catherine, who made the last entry in 1908, when she was 17 -- a very sad poem about missing her mother.
The entries are not sequential and many are not dated, so I've tried to sort them into some logical order.
[page 1-1, inside cover] [erased address] 33-28 Wabash Avenue [overwritten in ink with] 4124 Burkly [Berkeley] Ave/ [in pencil] J[?]MM Flanagan/ Miss Maggie Keville/ 4146 Cottage Grove Av/ Chicago Ill/ Nellie Flanagan/ [along the side] Mis Maggie Keville/ 4146/ [a name in pencil, erased] Mr J [...] [overwritten in pencil] Pat Keville/ 729/43 Chicago/ Ill [numbers are an address: 729 43rd St, a couple blocks from the Cottage Grove address]
Maggie Keville Flanagan
[page 27-1, undated] When I am dead and in my grave/ And my bones are all rotten/ This little book will tell my name/ When others are forgoton [sic]/ Maggie Keville
[page 25-1, undated] I write not here for beauty/ I write not here for fame/ But only for rememberances/ That I subscribe my name/ Maggie Keville
[page 6-1, 28 April 1888 presumed] Here is to her who is not here/ And not to you thats here my dear/ And if she was here that is not here/ I would not drink to you my dear/ M.M.KF [? Margaret M Keville Flanagan??]
Moses McCarty Flanagan
[page 7-1, 7 Jan 1888] No Regent Pearl that crested fortune wears/ Nor gem that twinkling hangs from beauties ears/ Nor pale moon which nights blue arch adorn/ Nor rising sun which gilds the vernal morn/ Shines with such lustre as the tear that breaks/ For others woes down womans lovely cheeks/ M.M. Flanagan 1/7/88 [Moses McCarty Flanagan, on day after marriage to Maggie]
[page 4-1, 14 Jan 1888] 1/14/88 I wish there was mountains of sugar/ And rivers of wine/ Plantations of tea leaves/ And you to be mine/ M.M. Flanagan [Moses McCarty Flanagan]
[page 5-2, 28 Jan 1888] 1/28/88 You ask me if I love you/ If I loved you once more dear/ I love you then and love you more/ And love you more sincere/ Though time is always on the wing/ And the world do agree/ It has not borne away the love/ that still I have for thee/ M.M.Flanagan [Moses McCarty Flanagan]
[page 6-1, 28 April 1888] 4/28/88 Remember well & bear in mind/ A worthy friend tis hard to find/ And when you find one just & true/ Never change her for the new/ M.M.Flanagan [Moses McCarty Flanagan]
Friends and Relatives
[page 21-1, 1887] John Nolan Wednes 1887 Thomas C 18 Chicago [Rose Park's great-grandfather's younger brother]
[page 3-1 undated] A Wish: to Mrs [?]M Flanagan. Here in this Far West country I wish you happy days and in your future history [strikeout?] may you raise in virtue's place. I wish you luck and glory. May you live till you grow hoary then die in sweet contentment midst spotless angles [sic] place. DMF [member of Flanagan family?]
[page 26-1, undated] Luckily apearing in view/ [dashed line across page]/ Respect and Love I wish you -- in an extra happy Life -- May Mose and you be happy -- and Blessed in Familys share (May you) and yours in Family [?] tread of Riches Loving tide/ Mrs M Flanagan [relationship unknown]
[page 14-2, 29 January 1888] January 29th, 1888/ I will not wish thee grandeur, I will not wish thee wealth, only a contented mind peace competence & health[,] fond friends to love thee dearly & honest ones to chide & faithful ones to cleave to thee whatever may betide/ Mrs JE Walsh [Delia Walsh, Maggie's sister]
[page 15-1, undated] In this little Book/ I will rite just to/ Be Remembered/ when i am ded and gon i dont now where/ Thos McDiarmid [unknown relationship]
[page 15-1, undated] John Nolan/ Cloonbanane/ Shrule [Rose Park's great-grandfather's younger brother]
[page 21-2, undated] Remember me while this you see and bare/ it in you mind do not be like the/ wether Cock that change us by the wind./ Patrick Keville/ But be like the turtel dove that/ Sits upon a tree lamentin for her own/ True love as I lament for thee/ Pat Keville [Maggie's brother]
[page 22-1, undated] Here is to the garden gate and all the/ Flowers within and upon my word I/ Never courted but it is now I am going to begin/ Pat Keville/ Remember dearest Alise when mile be had/ to part when others keeps my company it is/ you that has my heart/ Pat Keville [Maggie's brother]
[page 22-2, undated] Forget-me-not I only ask/ This simple boon of thee/ And let it be an easy task/ Somethimes to think of me/ Alice Considine/ Though lost to sight/ to memory dear/ Alice
[page 15-2, undated] Oh murmuring trees, Oh fragrant/ Oh waving whispering limes [?]/ Oh there to be again with thee,/ My love of olden times./ Helen [relationship unknown]
[page 19-1, undated] There is a little blue blue flower/ In the centre a white white spot/ It grows in the sunny bowers/ Its called forget-me-not/ You are that little blue blue flower/ Your heart the white white spot/ Your smile the sunny bower/ Then dearest forget-me-not/ Alice Considine [relationship unknown]
[page 20-2, undated] I wish the [sic] health and strength and joy and lots of gold in Store and if i were in a poetic mood i am sure i would wish the [sic] more/ John Hamilton [relationship unknown]
[page 10, undated] Their [sic] was once a monk of Siberia/ whose life grew wearier and wearier[.] he broke from his cell with a hell of a yell/ And eloped with a mother Superior/ Yours truly/ [illegible] Waddell
[page 5-1, undated] I write not here for beauty/ I write not here for fame/ Its only for remembrance/ That I record my name/ Mary M Connor
Nellie and Catherine Flanagan
[page 17-1, 12 Feb 1899] Feb 12, 1899/ When the golden sun is setting/ And your heart from care is free/ When o'er a thousand things your thinking/ Will you sometimes think of me/ Your Nellie [Flanagan, age 9]
[page 16-1, 6 Feb 1901] To mamma/ My best wishes to you./ Your daughter/ Nellie [Flanagan, age 11]
[page 13-2, 19 March 1901] March 19, 1901/ When I am deay grave/ And my bones are rotten/ This little book will tell my name/ When others are forgotten./ Ethel Flanagan [about 3 years old -- can this be right? Maybe Catherine's handwriting]
[page 18-1, 31 March 1901] March 31, 1901/ O wake me up to-morrow morn,/ So early mother dear./ To-morrow will be may-day,/ The gladest of the year/ Your daughter/ Catherine [Flanagan, age 10]
[page 18-2, 31 March 1901] March 31, 1901./ When you are old,/ And cannot see/ Put on your specs/ And think of me./ Your dearest child/ Ethel Flanagan [probably written by Catherine]
[page 13-1, 4 April 1901] April 4, 1901/ Learn to labor and to wait./ Catherine./ I write not here for beauty/ I write not here for fame/ Its only for rememberance [sic],/ That I record my name/ Catherine Flanagan [age 10]
[page 14-1, 4 April 1901] April 4, 1901/ When you fall down and hurt your knee,/ Jump up quick and think of me./ Your daughter/ Catherine F [Flanagan, age 10]
[page 23-2, undated] Remember me when far far off,/ Where the woodchucks die of whooping cough./ Your Nellie [Flanagan]
[page 12-1, 30 March 1902] Mar. 30, 1902/ Dear Mamma,/ Hey Mum! I lubs you good./ The same old girl, Nell. [Nellie Flanagan, age 12]
[page 27-2, undated; on back fly-leaf] Dear Mamy,/ Way back here out of sight,/ I simply sign my name for spite. /Poor old Nell [Flanagan]
[page 8-2, 31 March 1903] Mar. 31, 1903/ Dearest Mother: --/ I will always love and pray for you and dearest mother I hope you will never forget me. When I am dead and gone pray for my soul./ From Catharine. [In corners:] For-get-me-not [Catherine Flanagan, age 12, about 7 weeks before her mother's death]
[page 9-2, 31 March 1903] Mar. 31, 1903/ Dearest Mamma: --/ Excuse me for being so rude and bold./ I ought to have written your name in gold/ But since gold is so scarce/ I will write it with pen and ink./ From your sincere daughter/ Catherine Flanagan
[page 8-1, undated, after June 1903] To my mamma -- departed/ As through this weary world I wander/ My thoughts alone will be of you/ In memory I will see you ever/ I loved you better than you knew/ Nellie [Flanagan]
[page 24-1, undated, after June 1903] To my departed Mamma,/ And ee'n though we may never meet again,/ I love you like the sunshine loves the morn./ Nellie [Flanagan]
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[pages 9-1, 11-1, 11-2, 5 April 1908] April 5, 1908/ To my mother:/ Forgotten you, well if forgetting/ Be thinking all the day./ How the long hours drag since you left me./ Days seem years with you away,/ And a hearing through all this strange babble/ With voices now grave now gay; Only your voice; Can this be forgetting?/ Yet I have forgotten they say,/ And a counting moments with longing/ Tell the one when I'll see you again/ If this be forgetting they're right, dear/ And I have forgotten you then/ Forgotten you, Well if forgetting/ Be reading each face that I see/ With eyes that mark ne'er a feature,/ Save yours when you last looked at me./ Forgotten you, oh, if forgetting/ Be yearning with all my heart/ With a feeling half pain & half rapture/ For the day when we two shall ne'er part/ If the wild wish to see you and hear you/ To be fold in those arms again/ If this be forgetting they're right, dear./And I have forgotten you then./ Forgotten you they say I've forgotten. [Unsigned, in handwriting of Catherine Flanagan, age 17]
Nellie's Friend
[page 7-2, undated, probably 1900s] I cling to thee my dearest where eer that thou be although you my be faraway I will always think of thee[.] Take this little emblem I hope you won't forget the day I gave it to thee and took it from my breast[.] The day will come dear Nellie the day that we will part but this little leaf of ivy will show you are near my heart[.] Take it and bear it in remembrance of one whose love is true and when our happy [?] are ended and we will roam always think of me when in your happy home[.] M Mahon [relationship unknown]
[page 20-1, undated] I wish my bosom was made of/ Glass you could view me through/ and through and read the/ secrets of my heart/ how Dearly Dearly I love you/ M Mahon [relationship unknown]
I scanned and transcribed the autograph book in September 2009.
In Chicago, the family lived on the south side, near Lake Michigan. The map below shows the addresses listed, plus Holy Angels Church. Suggested: click on "view larger map" to get a more informative view.
View KEVILLE-FLANAGAN Chicago in a larger map