mad in pursuit notebook


Week In Review

4.4.09 Finally clawed my way into a couple creative projects as spring threatens to go green.

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Animation. Lesley's "birthday card" (Flash version, above) became a 10-second extravaganza as I overcompensated for forgetting how to do something more sophisticated.

Next project is more ambitious. I'm back to splicing together an interview with my mom and 1940s sound samples -- what might be called a "mash-up" these days. I was going to play a few seconds here, but all my software seems to be hexed this week, so I can't get it to work.

Collections management. Went to the gun show last weekend and met a couple interesting dealers in antique firearms. We're trying to price our For Sale list. Baby steps.

Fun. Had a few old pals over last night for wine, munchies and laughs. Woke up to a bit of a hangover and some kind of wicked windstorm. I hope it's blowing warm air this way.

My mom called to say her hairdresser was spreading the word about my novel and an old friend had called to ask where she could buy a copy. Way to go, Mom!

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