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Saturday, 10.20.07: Week In Review

What a week full of STUFF, swirling around with unusual social connections.

Sales. Pretty good auction results. The light kit sold. The little laptop sold but then the buyer renegged -- said her little brother put the bid in. Will have to relist it at a fire sale price -- no more sentiment, just get rid of it.

harlowI did the first pass of sorting through items in the mystery cabinet -- everything is either being auctioned this week, on my To Be Sold table, or stored back away with labels. All glass negatives photographed and photoshopped.

Got all my files out on our 1920s-1930s Hollywood studio portraits. I don't think we'll be able to sell them as a big collection, so I'm doing the research on how to price them individually. I can't believe it was two years ago that I had my last crack at these. (It's a good thing I keep these journal pages or I'd never remember a thing I do. I wind up googling my own web site to trace my steps.)

Consulting. Lots of emails, lots of ideas bouncing among Pat, Lesley and me around Lesley's emerging business. Jim and I head for Richmond VA on the 30th so the 3 of us girls can have a strategy retreat. Lesley might be struggling with her business model but Pat and I are having a lot of laughs.

B.O.R.E.D. meeting. A "wine & whine" night out with the girls on Thursday.

An overall interesting week for my social vortex: Fishing with Maria, Tarot Card party, BORED meeting (the close-knit groups from my last few years at the Institution), flurries of e-mail with Pat D (who embodies my 1980s), and today -- after a surprising phone call last night -- we'll get a visit from Carol N (who I went to grad school with, then worked desk-by-desk with -- my Seventies) and Jane D (who worked at Planned Parenthood and was my helper and friend for Rape Crisis -- another Seventies era).


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