mad in pursuit notebook


Week In Review

1.16.10 January is half-way done already? We're getting a little respite from the snow, but basically I've been a hermit.

Productive Work: Stewardship

Nine auctions in progress... made a few sales... photo'd and scanned a few more item for this weekend, if I can muster the resolve to get them listed.

Productive work: Passions

I thought I'd get more new writing done for "Grand Exits" but I'm like an old lion circling a herd of gazelles... circling... circling... thinking... organizing... thinking... re-organizing. Taking way too long to pounce. Coach Pat had to give me a kick.

my studio

Exploratory Work

Nothing much here.

Infrastructure work

All systems working smoothly.


Energizing Not-Work

Got my new iPhone. Amazed that the conversion process went so smoothly. My big event.

Listening to the Audible version of The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America by Louis Menand. Interesting history of 19th century transformations in thought and the men who understood that beliefs have consequences. One of those books I'll have to read twice.

Helped my niece Molly get started putting together the facts around her mom's family history.

Got to the gym Monday, Thursday, Friday. But it really just feels so good to hibernate.

Maria popped by last night on her way home from work and we split a bottle of wine.

Next week: Writing

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