mad in pursuit notebook


Week In Review

3.6.10 I guess the week wound up being pretty productive. Sun is shining and snow is slo-o-wly melting.


Productive work: Passions

Got a draft of "Grand Exits: Fables of Myself" completed and submitted to my First Reader (Pat) and now also in the hands of Second Reader (Jim). Playing with illustration ideas...

Productive Work: Stewardship

Moving right along with ebay sales -- but I still have to review all 400 items still in the store and get rid of the non-sellers before the monthly rate goes up. Senior moment: guy bought a $25 book and I sent him a $99 book by mistake (similar titles). But -- win/win -- I wound up selling him both books (with a generous discount).

photographerExploratory Work

New camera. Went outside to take pictures of our dull February landscape. I guess a new camera can only perform so many miracles on mediocre scenes & mediocre skills. Invested in a macro lens for close-up work. Wow. It really means close. And it really needs to be on a tripod, which luckily I have.

I'm trying to get back into a little drawing, but damn I'm rusty. Why does that skill disappear so quickly??? I keep trying to draw directly into Photoshop with a tablet (see left) -- like trying to paint a wall with a 10-ft stick.

Infrastructure work

Everything seems to be working well enough for the moment.

Energizing Not-Work

Went to a Sunday service with my friend Nancy S. at the Mountain Rise United Church of Christ. Going again this week. Is this about exploring God or exploring a friendly community? Not sure. Something to get me thinking.

Planning a vacation around the Grand Canyon. Can't wait to hit the road!

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Passion And Peril

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